Key policies.

Key policies.

Find our organisational policies and procedures here.

The Board has established an Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy which outlines the Australian laws governing the bribery of public officials and sets out Helia’s requirements in relation to anti-corruption and improper payments. The requirements apply to all directors, management, employees and contractors and establish the standards of behaviour as well as internal and external reporting which is expected of them.

Click here to download

The Board acknowledges the need for high standards of corporate governance practice and ethical conduct by all directors and employees of Helia.

The Board has adopted a code of conduct which sets out Helia’s commitment to maintaining high levels of integrity and ethical standards in its business practices. The code of conduct sets out for all directors, management and employees the standards of behaviour expected of them.

The code of conduct sets out Helia's policies on various matters, including conflicts of interest, public and media comment, use of Helia's resources, security of information, intellectual property/copyright, discrimination and harassment, corrupt conduct, occupational health and safety and insider trading.

In addition to their obligations under the Corporations Act in relation to inside information, all directors, employees and consultants have a duty of confidentiality to Helia in relation to confidential information they possess.

Click here to download

Helia is committed to achieving diversity and has adopted a diversity policy which provides a framework for Helia to achieve, among other things, a diverse and skilled workforce, a workplace culture characterised by inclusive practices and behaviours for the benefit of all staff, improved employment and career development opportunities for women and a work environment that values and utilises the contributions of employees with diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives.

Click here to download


Workplace Gender Equality

Each year at Helia we provide a report to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency which highlights our progress and ongoing commitment to diversity, what gender equality looks like, and how we are supporting our diverse workforce.

Public Questionnaire Report here
Workforce Management Statistics Table here
Workplace Profile Table here

Our Digital Media Policy is the framework that governs the operational procedures and process in relation to digital media. It outlines the requirements, guidelines, roles and responsibilities expected by the community of Helia, specifically the Helia Marketing and Communications team, contractors, partners and third parties.

This policy statement and associated policies are reviewed at least annually (or more frequently if required) by Helia to ensure that the business meets its compliance obligations, maintains it’s relevance to the business’ current and planned digital media operations and mitigates the risk of brand and reputational damage.

Click here to download

Helia is committed to continuous disclosure of material information as a means of promoting transparency and investor confidence. The practices of Helia are designed to comply with the Listing Rules, including those regarding continuous disclosure.

Helia has adopted a Disclosure Policy which outlines how Helia complies with its continuous disclosure obligations and manages other communication with the media and financial markets.

Helia is a "disclosing entity" under the Corporations Act. As such, it is subject to the continuous disclosure requirements, as well as the periodic and other disclosure obligations of the Listing Rules and the Corporations Act. Subject to the exceptions contained in the Listing Rules, Helia is required to disclose to ASX any information concerning Helia which is not generally available and which, if it were available, a reasonable person would expect to have a material effect on the price or value of Helia's securities. In addition, Helia will provide ASX with any information ASX requests to correct or prevent a false market in Helia's securities.

All information provided to ASX for release to the market will be posted to Helia's website at after ASX confirms an announcement has been made.

Click here to download

Helia recognises the sensitive nature and importance of supporting consumers affected by family violence and outlines the mechanisms by which Helia aims to identify and support consumers affected by family violence in this Family Violence Awareness Policy.

This Policy is made publicly available to ensure individuals who interact with Helia are able to understand what mechanisms are in place to provide this support. Our employees are trained on this Policy to ensure timely, consistent and targeted assistance can be provided to individuals affected by family violence. This Policy also supports Helia’s corporate values of ‘focus on your customer’ and ‘integrity’.

Click here to download

Prudential Standards and other legislation and regulation applicable to Helia as a credit licensee and licensed insurer, require that persons who are responsible for the management and oversight of Helia have appropriate skills, experience and knowledge and act with honesty and integrity. Helia has adopted a fit and proper policy that meets the requirements of the Prudential Standards and other applicable legislative and regulatory requirements. Helia has established a Fit and Proper Committee that assists with of the assessment of personnel in regulated positions under the relevant regulations.

Click here to download

Helia is committed to managing its investments in line with its Board approved risk appetite. The investments policy establishes the framework for the governance and management of its investment portfolio.

The investment portfolio of Helia consists of Technical Funds and Shareholder Funds with a distinctive purpose and objective for each fund. The main objective of the management of investments designated as Technical Funds is to ensure adequate funding and liquidity is available to Helia to meet the liabilities towards policyholders as they fall due, and the main objective of the management of investments designated as Shareholder Funds is to maximise returns to Shareholders while remaining within the designated board approved risk appetite.

Helia's relationship with the media affects how Helia stakeholders perceive the company. The media can shape public opinion, influence Helia's reputation, and influence stakeholder behaviour towards the company.

Helia's Media Relations Policy addresses communications with the media in conjunction with the Helia Disclosure Policy. The Helia Media Relations Policy sets out Helia's high level requirements for the communication of information to the media, defines the standards to be adhered to in the release of such information and defines employees' responsibilities in this regard.

Click here to download

Our modern slavery statement articulates our position on modern slavery and our goals to understand and investigate the risk of modern slavery in our operations and supply chain. 

Click here to download

CPS 220 requires an authorised general insurer to have in its Risk Management Framework (RMF), a documented Risk Management Strategy (RMS) and sound risk management policies and procedures with clearly defined managerial responsibilities and controls.

Helia is committed to the identification, assessment, monitoring and management of all enterprise risks associated with its business activities and has put in place a RMF and RMS in accordance with APRA requirements to ensure effective control systems and risk treatment plans are in place.

The Board is responsible for overseeing and approving the RMF and RMS. The Enterprise-Risk Management Committee has responsibility for identifying material risk areas, implementing risk management systems and remediation plans, and reporting on these areas to the Board and the Risk Committee. The Board works collaboratively with management in relation to all material risk areas.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct is the framework that fosters and maintains Helia’s relationships with suppliers. It outlines the standards and practices expected by the community of Helia and its suppliers, and forms part of our corporate social responsibility approach.

Click here to download

Helia’s Trading Policy applies to Helia’s directors, officers and employees, as well as consultants, independent contractors and advisers (“Helia Personnel”). Recognising these individuals may sometimes have access to information that is “inside information” in relation to Helia, or other entities, the policy is designed to inform those individuals about the insider trading prohibitions under the Corporations Act and to avoid contraventions of relevant insider trading laws. In certain instances, Helia's Trading Policy extends beyond the strict requirements of the Corporations Act.

The Trading Policy limits trading in Helia’s securities by Helia Personnel to specific “trading windows”. The scheduled trading windows include the period of four weeks commencing at the beginning of trade on the second trading day following the announcement of Helia’s half year results and Helia’s full year results and the period of two weeks commencing at the beginning of trade on the second trading day following the annual general meeting. The policy also provides for directors, senior management and certain other employees to notify the Company Secretary to obtain pre-clearance for any trade in Helia’s securities, and the procedures for obtaining such clearance. This notification obligation operates at all times subject to certain exceptions.

Click here to download

This Helia Whistleblower Policy fosters a working environment and culture that reflects Helia’s core values to act with integrity by allowing employees to raise concerns about unlawful, unethical or improper conduct occurring in the workplace. It outlines the reporting and investigatory processes that Helia will adopt, and the protections provided, where disclosures relate to possible illegal, unethical or otherwise improper conduct.

This Policy applies to Helia, its subsidiary companies, and the officers and employees of such entities, in relation to reports of possible Improper Conduct concerning Helia. It is not intended to replace or supersede other policies within Helia dealing with regular and ad hoc internal reporting, nor with employee grievance policies and procedures. It is to be read in conjunction with other applicable policies, including our Code of Conduct.

Click here to download

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Helia Group Limited acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we operate and pay our respects to Elders past and present. We also acknowledge the important role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples continue to play within the communities in which we operate and where our team members reside.